Baby should be able to
- Keep head level when body is pulled to sitting- yes
- say 'ah goo' or other vowel/consonant combinations- yes, she chatters and sings. Its cute.
- Bear some weight on legs when held upright- Definitely, she loves her jumparoo. I think she understands the word 'bounce' because she will do so on command.
- Sit without support- We're working on this, she still tips.
- Turn in a direction of a voice- yes.
- Razz- one of the favored noises
- Stand holding on to someone- not so much.
- Object if you try to take a toy away- she doesn't care
- Work to get a toy that is out of reach- yes
- Pass an object from hand to hand- yes
- Look for a dropped object- yes if she's on the floor, no if she's in the high chair.
- Rake with fists to pick up an object- if she wants it.
- Babble- yep.
- Feed self cracker- I haven't tried yet.
- creep or crawl- She can't get very far when she does
- Pull up- nope
- Go from belly to sitting- nope
- Pincher grasp- nope
- Mama or dada indiscriminately- I don't remember it, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.