Sunday, October 19, 2008

Three Months

She was following the bunny intently, until bunny ended up on her head. It was really cute to watch. She learned rather quickly that if she looked down, soon she would see bunny again.

the What to Expect the First Year book. And while it generally sucks, I enjoy reading the what your baby can do sections. This is mostly because I have a talented baby.

Baby should be able to:
~Lift head 45 degrees when on stomach- yes, she loves tummy time

Will probably be able to:
~Laugh out loud- she laughs, but it very much is her hearing us laugh and attempting to mimic it. Its adorable
~Lift head 90 degrees- yes
~Squeal- if making different pitches of noises counts, then yes. She loves singing
~Bring both hands together- yes, and hold things between them sometimes, too
~Smile spontaneously- definitely
~Follow an object held about 6 inches above baby's face for 180 degrees- this was last month

May possibly be able to:
~Hold head steady when upright-yes, until she gets tired.
~Raise chest when on stomach- not really. You can position her arms under her in such a way that it is possible, but that would be considered cheating.
~Roll over, front to back- yes and no. If you put her in the correct position, she can. But even then its hit and miss.
~Grasp a rattle- yes and she shakes it. I'm not so sure if she realizes that her shaking the rattle is what is making the noise, though.
~Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin- Haven't tested this.

May even be able to:
~Bear some weight on legs if held- she loves doing this. If she's not too tired, she'll laugh and laugh.
~Reach for an object- If its close enough she'll hit it or mess with it, but she's not too keen on straining for an object.
~Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting- this has happened before.
~Turn in the direction of a voice- sometimes, if she cares.
~Say vowel-consonant combinations, like "ah-goo"- I've heard that word before. This has become more rare since she has figured out that she can control the pitch of her voice.
~Razz- she can make a gurgly or bubbly noise. Last week was the razzy noises, this week, she seems to be focusing on making smacking noises.
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