Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eight months

Baby should be able to
  • Bear some weight on legs- she pulls herself up and plops and does it again.
  • Feed self a cracker- this is an entirely subjective idea. Yes the cracker is in the hand and she can transfer it to her mouth. However, she doesn't actually consume any of the cracker, she just chews off little chunks and spreads them across the floor.
  • Pick up things with a fist- yes.
  • Turn towards voices- yes.
  • Look for a dropped object- usually.
Baby will probably be able to
  • Pass objects from hand to hand- yep. She's learning that you can hold one object per hand, too. Once they are all full, you are going to have to drop something.
  • Stand holding onto something or someone- yep.
  • Object if you try to take a toy away- she mostly just tries even harder to get the toy.
  • Work to get a toy that is out of reach- yep
  • Play peekaboo- she doesn't cover her eyes, it that is what this book is referring to.
  • Go from belly to sitting- yep and then back to her belly
Baby may possibly be able to
  • Creep or crawl- every day she is getting faster and faster
  • Pull into a standing position from sitting- she started doing this right after crawling. I think she had a day or so in between.
  • Pincher grasp- not really.
  • Say mama or dada indiscriminately- it usually comes out 'mamamamama' or 'dadadada' there are a couple just mama or dada in there, though.
Baby may even be able to
  • Play patty-cake- she thinks clapping her hands is pretty spiffy. But it is rare that she remembers that she can do it. She prefers to clap my hands for me.
  • Cruise- nope. She does lift her feet when she is holding on to things.
  • Stand alone momentarily- she pretty much falls down as soon as she lets go.
  • Understand 'no'- no.

1 comment:

Cheree said...

Ummm – what book is this you have that assumes children will EVER learn what the word “no” means?! :-)