Saturday, September 27, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Lillian had her two month checkup this Friday (even though, technically she was 2 months and one week old). She is 23 inches long and 11lbs 4 oz. She is 50% for height, 55% for weight and 40% for head circumference. Amazingly average. Here she is all dressed up for her drs appointment. Cute!

She did wonderfully with her first shot. Her first response was to wail as if something was not correct with the world. But fifteen minutes later, she fell asleep. Granted it was fifteen minutes of 'how could you do this to me' screaming; but, compared to some stories, I consider this okay. Her reaction could have been much worse.

As you can tell, we have a new talent- grabbing on to things and moving them. The dress is awesome since it is small enough to grab and attached to us, so we can't lose it. And we are still young enough that no one can accuse us of flashing them. Woot!

The only evidence of the shot is the cute little hello kitty bandaid.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008


Its fun to watch how each cat reacts to her. When I first brought her home, Damien noticed right away. He wanted to smell her and smell her carrier and her things and purr. Plumpers only cared about smelling her blanket and then wandered off to get a drink of water. Mephistophiles was oblivious. He greeted me on the couch a half hour after she came home and purred and demanded attention, but didn't notice the little being on my lap. It took him a good fifteen minutes before he looked over and decided that she needed a sniff. Even that didn't take long before he decided that Lillian wasn't going to rub him and thus was not worthy of attention yet.

The first time she cried, all of the cats lined up in my room and looked at me with this 'what is that god awful noise?' expression. It made me feel even more guilty.

When she first met Tigger and Sassy, they were relatively oblivious to her as well. Tigger basically ignored her, and tried climbing on top of her to get scritches. Sassy didn't really care one way or the other. You can still see these responses in the cats. Damien sits next to her, doesn't care when she kicks him and generally tries to avoid stepping on her. Mephy will cuddle her, but leaves as soon as she starts wiggling. Tigger would lay on top of her, but knows that he would get kicked off of the couch entirely if he even looked like he would step on her, so he generally gets as close as he can.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Magical Seahorses and Strait-jackets

Lillian has a new best friend- a cute little seahorse that sings her to sleep. It has pretty music with cute bubbly noises in it and it glows when you press its tummy like a glo-worm, but better.

Lillian has this tendency to get overly tired and consequently very fussy. She hasn't quite figured out yet that she could just go to sleep and everything would feel better. However, the seahorse music will calm her down enough to let her fall asleep. She will actually fall asleep on her own!

The strait-jacket, innocently sold under the name 'swaddle me,' allows her to get multiple, continuous hours of sleep. She'll fall asleep around 9.30 pm, wake up sometime between 5.30 and 7.30 am to eat and then go back to sleep until 11 am or we decide to wake her up. I credit this to the swaddle me, since before implementation of this device, her quality of sleep was dependant on how well the blanket stayed wrapped around her.
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Rolling over

Lillian can roll over sometimes now. Its not often and it requires that we position her arms in just the right spots, but its adorable and she seems so proud of herself.

You can see her straining sometimes, knowing that if she can just push hard enough, she'll go tumbling over. It must be frustrating not to be able to move how one wants to. Even more so when you know how to do it, you just can't.
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Friday, September 5, 2008


This is mostly an excuse for me to post more incredibly cute pictures. I have enough to fill a CD.

Here she is at about one month. Note how she has very light eyelashes. They might even be considered non-existent in this photo.

Two weeks later, they're brown. She might never need mascara- something my sister was planning on teaching her about when she was born. Yay! for no needed makeup. She's also wearing the onesie that Laura gave her. Isn't it cute?

Her eyelashes are even darker now, at seven weeks.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We went to visit Lisa in Austin this weekend and all in all it was a good trip. We made good time going down there. I managed to get pulled over, which sucked, but I only got a warning. So, it was okay.

We wandered around campus and visited Lisa's dorm room. Lisa has made it her goal to meet as many people as possible. I think this is awesome so long as I continue to get phone calls every now and again. I miss her and keep expecting to see her.

I over packed for Lillian, like I tend to do and I under packed for myself, which I also tend to do. She managed to mess half of her outfits (think over a weeks worth) and all of mine (think one change of clothing).

We decided to visit again when its cooler. Lillian did quite well on the trip- minus the last hour and a half. Hopefully, Lisa won't have forgotten about me by then.
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Monday, September 1, 2008


She's started to smile now. Not one of those 'I think I just farted' type smiles one of the 'hey, I know you and I think you're rather spiffy' smiles. Its amazing and it makes the whole no sleep thing mostly worth it. The picture is of one of her spontaneous smiles at four weeks. I haven't been able to capture the real smile on film. I've been to busy trying to reinforce them.

Anyway, she's finally asleep and instead of sleeping myself, I'm updating this. Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I'm nervous. I know she'll be okay. I just don't leave her for any significant period of time.
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