Monday, June 8, 2009

Cute Thing

Sean likes to cover the baby's ears. It makes her grin and remove his hands. Sometimes she'll even giggle. It is a highly rewarding practice.

Anyway, he was covering her ears, and she'd move his hands and wait for him to cover them again. And after like 5 or so times she decided it was enough of having her ears covered. So she covered his ears.

Sean sold his netbook last weekend. So we took pictures of Lillian with it, as it is a proper sized computer for her.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

More Teeth

I want you to note at how many teeth this kid has. It is rather impressive.

Friday, June 5, 2009

First Steps

Last night she took her first 3-4 consecutive steps. I think that it is really clicking since she was able to do it multiple times. Exciting and scary!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Lillian learned how to clap. We have been working on it for a while: clapping in front of her, clapping her hands, having her clap our hands. We've been doing this for weeks. Anyway, this morning she finally decided to clap on her own with out 'showing' her how when Sean entered the room. He'd leave and she'd stop, just to start again when he came back. Sean is baby's favourite person.

And here is a picture for good measure:

Monday, May 18, 2009

I got a look...

She's so young and already she's giving, "Aww, come on, mom" type looks. It makes me so sad. I can't wait until she's old enough that I can mess up fairy tales and she can correct me. At least then I'll deserve those looks.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Update

I didn't post at all in April. And it was so long ago, that I don't remember specific things to post about. The best I can do is post pictures so you can get an idea of what we did. She has perfected pulling up and can kind of cruise.

Sitting next to the cat nest. Little does the cat know that in the next couple of months her primary goal will be to climb into the cat nest.Eating a shoe. She is going to have to wear shoes all the time in the 1's class and I can't get her to stop eating them.
Very proud of herself for getting the dog bone. The dog is unaware of this development.

She is handing me the basket after she removed all of the toys, presumably to convince me that I need to replace the toys.

Patting the dog. I don't know why my text changed for this.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eight months

Baby should be able to
  • Bear some weight on legs- she pulls herself up and plops and does it again.
  • Feed self a cracker- this is an entirely subjective idea. Yes the cracker is in the hand and she can transfer it to her mouth. However, she doesn't actually consume any of the cracker, she just chews off little chunks and spreads them across the floor.
  • Pick up things with a fist- yes.
  • Turn towards voices- yes.
  • Look for a dropped object- usually.
Baby will probably be able to
  • Pass objects from hand to hand- yep. She's learning that you can hold one object per hand, too. Once they are all full, you are going to have to drop something.
  • Stand holding onto something or someone- yep.
  • Object if you try to take a toy away- she mostly just tries even harder to get the toy.
  • Work to get a toy that is out of reach- yep
  • Play peekaboo- she doesn't cover her eyes, it that is what this book is referring to.
  • Go from belly to sitting- yep and then back to her belly
Baby may possibly be able to
  • Creep or crawl- every day she is getting faster and faster
  • Pull into a standing position from sitting- she started doing this right after crawling. I think she had a day or so in between.
  • Pincher grasp- not really.
  • Say mama or dada indiscriminately- it usually comes out 'mamamamama' or 'dadadada' there are a couple just mama or dada in there, though.
Baby may even be able to
  • Play patty-cake- she thinks clapping her hands is pretty spiffy. But it is rare that she remembers that she can do it. She prefers to clap my hands for me.
  • Cruise- nope. She does lift her feet when she is holding on to things.
  • Stand alone momentarily- she pretty much falls down as soon as she lets go.
  • Understand 'no'- no.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Sean dressed Lillian today. Can you tell?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Silly baby

I love my baby. Don't get me wrong. But sometimes I worry about her.

Is she suicidal? Does she not care about the bumps on her head?

Look at her, she wants to climb onto the end table. I didn't get any pictures of her almost there since I was busy trying to keep her from falling. I let her touch the end table, but not actually get on it. I don't want to be one of those parents that crush their kids dreams, but there has to be limits. You don't just roll around on end tables. It isn't normal.

This morning she told me off in her adorable little baby language. She wanted to launch herself off of the bed head first and I wouldn't let her.

Sean took me out to see Watchmen and have a nice Lillian-less dinner. The food was wonderful. Having a night out makes you appreciate having the baby around that much more. You miss all of the cuddles and smiles and freaking out because she pulled herself up, but hasn't figured out how to get back down yet.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Crib

We cleaned out the spare bedroom and put in a new crib (Graco Jason crib) and a dresser. Nothing matches. It makes me sad, but I hope that she won't be using the crib for too long.

She's been sleeping pretty well in the crib other than the fact that she gets rather cold.
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Friday, February 13, 2009


So, I was changing Lillian's diaper. Dirty diaper is off and I'm getting the clean one ready to go on. I look into her eyes and she has this 'I love you' look and I get this feeling of all is right with the world. I have this little being that loves me and depends on me for absolutely everything, and goodness... I love her, too! and I'll do my best to take care of her needs. And I can see her heart beating.
And then she peed everywhere.

Monday, February 9, 2009


We went to the park last night. It was a lot of fun. I expect that as Lillian gets older, she will love this park. Right now the real coolness was for us, the adults. There were multiple slides, rock climbing walls, musical pipes to hit and a thing you stand on and shift your weight around and spin. This is our park going outfit:

We think we are really cute. We are!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Lillian has started to make 'wtf mom' faces for the camera. I thought I would share some. In the top one, I really think she is plotting my demise.
We went down to Houston this weekend to visit friends. The trip was good, Lillian slept the entire way down. Unfortunately, she only slept half the way back. We had to stop at Denny's because she would just not calm down. But after that, she slept the remaining half hour.
She has started doing so many amazing things recently. She can sit up on her own unassisted and roll both directions. Unfortunately, she just rolls as she feels like it, not with any purpose or direction. So, she'll roll away from me and then look at me and start whining because I'm too far away. She doesn't roll back, she just freaks out and I have to go rescue her. Silly baby.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Six months

Baby should be able to
  • Keep head level when body is pulled to sitting- yes
  • say 'ah goo' or other vowel/consonant combinations- yes, she chatters and sings. Its cute.
Baby will probably be able to
  • Bear some weight on legs when held upright- Definitely, she loves her jumparoo. I think she understands the word 'bounce' because she will do so on command.
  • Sit without support- We're working on this, she still tips.
  • Turn in a direction of a voice- yes.
  • Razz- one of the favored noises
Baby may possibly be able to
  • Stand holding on to someone- not so much.
  • Object if you try to take a toy away- she doesn't care
  • Work to get a toy that is out of reach- yes
  • Pass an object from hand to hand- yes
  • Look for a dropped object- yes if she's on the floor, no if she's in the high chair.
  • Rake with fists to pick up an object- if she wants it.
  • Babble- yep.
  • Feed self cracker- I haven't tried yet.
Baby may even be able to:
  • creep or crawl- She can't get very far when she does
  • Pull up- nope
  • Go from belly to sitting- nope
  • Pincher grasp- nope
  • Mama or dada indiscriminately- I don't remember it, but that doesn't mean that it hasn't happened.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pushing off

Lillian began trying to army crawl this weekend. She can only move a couple of inches and gets frustrated easily, but I think it is starting to click.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cute Pictures

Do I need to say more?